Catholic Charities is here to help you help your parish.
Needs Assessment
Based on the needs and gaps in your community services, we can work together to create ministries and identify resources to best support your community.
Ministry Micro-Grant Program
Our ministry micro-grant is available for eligible programs throughout West Tennessee.
As we learn what is important to you, we can provide:
- Food boxes
- Hospitality Kits
- Snack Packs/WeekEND Hunger Bags and Boxes
- Clothing
- Hygiene Kits
- Personal Protection Equipment
Services available include:
Rent, mortgage, and utility assistance are offered when funding is available. No Funds available at this time. Please check back later for updates.
Volunteer Calendar
Would your school or parish like to get involved through a service event?”
For more information contact Carlos Martin at 901.722.4713 or email him here